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California Robbery Investigators Association

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2025 CRIA International Criminal Investigator's Training Conference

  • 02/11/2025
  • 12:00 PM
  • 02/13/2025
  • 12:00 PM
  • Caesars Palace Las Vegas, NV


  • Standard Registration available until 2/11/25. Guest registrations allowed at base price.
  • Registration for active members who will attend social events only and not the training.
  • Sponsor/Vendor Registration Only - Must provide completed Vendor/Sponsor contract prior to registration (available on registration and sponsor pages). Contact Bonnie via email at or with questions.
  • Conference Speakers only
  • Board members and guests - use guest registration for spouses or other guest attendees.

Registration is closed

Our members are invited to join us for three days of training, education and networking at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

February 11th-13th, 2025

Conference Fees

2025 Conference Registration: $450

(Standard registration extended to 2/11/25)

The Conference Fees Include:

· Welcome packages

· Welcome reception

· Two full days of relevant training

· 16 hrs. of CA POST credits

(POST #2540-28003-24-002)

· Multiple networking opportunities

· Officers of the Year Luncheon

· Meet multiple Sponsors/Vendors

· $10,000 in raffle prizes

Conference Topics

Organized Retail Crime Arrest and Prosecution Strategies

ORC Case Debriefs and current trends review—LASD ORC Unit and Private Industry LP Agents

Legal and investigative Technology Updates

Legal Update—Orange County DA Brad Schoenleben

Social Media/Technology Update—ATF SA Mark Sonnendeker

Major Crimes Case Debriefs

The People vs. Rehan Nazir—LASD Det. Chris Gentner,

LA County DDA Monique Preoteasa,

CA Dept Insurance Inv. Andy Gulcher

Petsmart Armed Robbery Series—OCVCTF ATF SA Ryan Stearman, Fullerton PD Det. Dillan Cazares

Task Force Operations and Tech Support

Beverly Hills Real-Time Crime watch Center - Using Technology to Accelerate Investigations—Lt. Eugene Kim


Schedule of Events

Tuesday 02-11-25

8:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Check in /Registration

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Opening Ceremonies + Training Sessions

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Welcome Reception

Wednesday 02-12-25

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Breakfast

8:00 AM -12:00 PM: Training Sessions

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Officer of the Year Luncheon

1:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Training Sessions

Thursday 02-13-25

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Breakfast

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Training Sessions + Closing Remarks

**Schedule, agenda and topics subject to change.

Registration Information

Only members may register for the conference. If you are an active member, clicking "Register" will prompt you to log-in to complete your conference registration.

If you are not yet a member, you will be directed to apply for membership before registering. You may complete the registration process and wait for membership approval (Approximately 24 Hrs.) Once approved you can continue on to register for the conference. This will allow you to make online payments for both Member Registration and the Conference fees online.


Group Payments Accepted

If you are attending as part of a group and your agency wishes to submit a single payment for multiple registrations, please follow these steps:

1. Each person must be an Active member, log on using their own email address and personal password. Register for the conference online and print their invoice - OR - print and complete this Manual Registration Form for each member. You can include Member fees and Conference fees for each member.

2. All invoices/forms should be collected and submitted to the Agency/Company for payment

3. The person in charge of making the payment should send the invoices to to request group invoicing. Feel free to email for further questions or assistance.


Registration by "Snail Mail" is also available
If you prefer to complete and mail a paper registration form, and submit your payment via US Mail, please download and print the Manual Registration Form to:

SCRIA, P.O. BOX 1769

Glendora, CA 91740

(January 15 deadline for mail)


Hotel Registration

Caesars Palace

3570 Las Vegas Blvd South

Las Vegas, NV 89109

Conference rates:

King: $120 + Tax (Resort Fees Waived - $9 Daily Parking)

Double Queen: $120 +Tax (Resort Fees Waived - $9 Daily Parking)

Conference Rate Ends January 20, 2025


Phone Registration: (866) 227-5944

Use Group Code:  SCCRI5

Sponsor / Vendor Information

Sponsoring CRIA or becoming a vendor/exhibitor at our annual conference opens up fantastic opportunities for your company to advertise, build name-recognition, generate leads, build relationships and create future sales through our members and the numerous law enforcement agencies they represent. (Sponsors/Vendors must download and return a completed sponsorship/vendor form and be approved before registering - See below)



California Robbery Investigators Association

Contact Us

South Chapter:
SCRIA, PO Box 1769, Glendora, CA 91740

North Chapter:
NCRIA, 1098 Foster City Blvd, Suite 106 PMB 803, Foster City, CA 94404

© California Robbery Investigators Association

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